Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Decadent Vegan Chocolate-Coconut Truffles

These truffles are so easy to whip up, and so rich and delicious, you only need one to satisfy. :)

Vegan Chocolate-Coconut Truffles

-1 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
-1/8 cup + 2 tbsp. almond or soy milk
-1/8 cup + 2 tbps. graham cracker or cookie crumbs (finely ground)
-1/8 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
-1/8 cup + 2 tbsp. coconut rum
-coconut shavings for rolling

Melt the chocolate chips and almond milk in a double boiler, or in the microwave (on low heat, stirring after every 10-15 seconds to make sure it doesn't burn). Once creamed together, add in the cocoa powder and mix well (no clumps). Then add in the crumbs and the rum. Once blended, cover and put in the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours (I left mine in overnight).

Take the mix out of the fridge and use a spoon to scoop out a heaping tablespoon of the chocolate. It should be pretty hard, but that's a good thing so it doesn't melt completely when you roll it into a ball in your hands. Once it's in a ball shape, roll in the coconut shavings (or, if you prefer, powdered sugar or even more unsweetened cocoa powder) and put in mini cupcake liners. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.

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